Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Unless, of course, you have special privilege here in Lodi, NJ.
The following is NOT an attempt to harass, intimidate, certain persons, but to point out just how much information the "Powers That Be" here in Lodi hide, sweep under the carpet and disregard the Laws of this State. ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD.
Back in 2000 a Lodi resident was arrested and charged with sexual assault of a minor, under the age of 16 years old. The Lodi man pleaded guilty to the charge of Child Endangerment and received a sentence of 5 years probation, and "should have been placed" on Megan's List. This man never made it onto the NJ Megan's law list. Why this is, we do not know, but the local police are responsible for entering persons into the system. I do not think the law says, at the "discretion of the Local Police Department." However, for whatever reason, this man DID make it onto Florida's sexual offender list and is still shown there as of this writing.
His New Jersey arrest can be found here.
The following is NOT an attempt to harass, intimidate, certain persons, but to point out just how much information the "Powers That Be" here in Lodi hide, sweep under the carpet and disregard the Laws of this State. ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD.
Back in 2000 a Lodi resident was arrested and charged with sexual assault of a minor, under the age of 16 years old. The Lodi man pleaded guilty to the charge of Child Endangerment and received a sentence of 5 years probation, and "should have been placed" on Megan's List. This man never made it onto the NJ Megan's law list. Why this is, we do not know, but the local police are responsible for entering persons into the system. I do not think the law says, at the "discretion of the Local Police Department." However, for whatever reason, this man DID make it onto Florida's sexual offender list and is still shown there as of this writing.
His New Jersey arrest can be found here.
Do the circumstances about the arrest matter, maybe not. Could have been a Boyfriend/Girlfriend type thing and the victim's parents pushed for the charges. But, the law is the law.
On June 6, 2002 this man was arrested again & charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender here in Bergen County (around the same time a Paparozzi family member was charged with the same thing, never saw that one on Megan's List either)
Turns out, the man was an Emergency Medical Technician with the LODI VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE & RESCUE CORP./INC for several years.
The entire Lodi Police Department would have had to have knowledge of this mans arrest, and knew that he was an EMT on the Lodi Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corp./Inc. The Lodi Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corp./Inc's Board of Directors and Officers also had the same knowledge. Some of the Lodi Police Department officers & detectives are, or were members of the Ambulance corp.
This man also received "Honors" from the Ambulance corp. at the LVARS annual Dinner Dance in 2009.
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and participated in LVARS functions
Note: Ashley Ward was a member and a Line Officer with the Lodi Ambulance Corp, and, for a short time, fiancee to Sgt Russell Inserra. Heather Jones is his wife.
As of 2015, Mr. Jones did not have to register with, or appear on NJ's Megan's List. (Not that he ever did).
Several important questions will NEVER be answered…Like,
1.) How many Juveniles, or females did this man treat, evaluate, transport or have contact with while on the Lodi Ambulance Corp.?
2.) Would this have been a liability to the Borough, and ultimately the Taxpayers of Lodi ?
3.) Should we continue to reward the persons responsible for "hiding" this information by electing/ appointing them to the Borough Council and various Borough Boards?
But yet, some of these same persons were so eager to publicly post information on a DUI arrest of a Lodi Teacher back in January 2016…..Yes, the Law is the Law, except for the privileged few.