Friday, January 20, 2017

WOW, I got skeered there, for a minute.....

It is only JANUARY and stuff is disappearing/deleted already !!!

But, OOPS, they found it... (amazing)

Great job...

Monday, January 16, 2017

Okay, Its a start

Lodi has a "NEW" webpage design !!!

Lots of things missing, but I am sure they are working on it.

Seniors, you are now under the Public Works section.


Be sure to read the complete "BIO" on our new Borough Manager.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

I apologize

to the residents who asked me about the Lodi Recycling Schedule, and I directed them to the "Official" Borough of Lodi website. The recycling schedule is NOT there.



The Recycling Schedule can be found here, 

The most recent and only change on the "Official" Borough of Lodi website is this...
Everyone please note, (if you already have not) the FBI National Academy flag in the background. Really? How inappropriate. Is the Lodi Police Department now running the Boro?...OH wait, maybe it's the Borough now running the Police Department.

AND... If Deputy Chief Donald Scorzetti is "chosen" as a School Board Trustee...Guess its the Police Department running the School Board also.

COPLAND at its best.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !!!!

 Now let the taxpayers speak.......

A huge THANK YOU to the Members of the Lodi Board of Education who did the RIGHT thing…..