Tuesday, December 27, 2016

New Borough Salary Ordinance

 Borough of Lodi 2016 Salary Ordinance

(thats what it says, "2016")


(Note: Two Ordinances combined. The Snow Emergency Ordinance & the Salary Ordinance)


Notice Content

NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following proposed ordinance was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Lodi in the County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, held on the 20th day of December, 2016, and that said ordinance will be taken up for further consideration for final passage at the meeting of said Borough Council to be held at its meeting room in the Borough Hall, in Lodi, N.J., on the 17th day of January, 2017, at 7 P.M., or as soon thereafter as said matter can be reached, at which time and place all persons who may be interested therein will be given the opportunity to be heard concerning the same. A copy of this ordinance has been posted on the bulletin board upon which public notices are customarily posted in the Borough Hall of the Borough and a copy is available up to and including the time of such meeting to the members of the general public of the Borough who shall request such copies, at the office of the Borough Clerk in said Borough Hall in Lodi, New Jersey. Carole L. D'Amico, R.M.C. Borough Clerk Borough of Lodi County of Bergen State of New Jersey BOROUGH OF LODI ADOPTED ORDINANCE STATE OF NEW JERSEY AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 808-13 AND 303-03 ENTITLED "SN0W EMERGENCY " NOTICE is hereby given that the ordinance set forth in the above title, which ordinance was published in full on the date of November 28, 2016 in the Record, Hackensack, N J. 07601 was finally passed and adopted after public hearing at a meeting of the Borough Council of the the Borough of Lodi, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey, held on the 20th day of December, 2016 and will be in full force and effect after said adoption and this publication in accordance with and as required by law. APPROVED: Mayor Emil Carafa, Jr. ATTEST: Carole L. D'Amico, R.M.C. Borough Clerk

BOROUGH OF LODI County of Bergen, New Jersey Fiscal Year 2016 Salary Ordinance Ordinance #2016-23 
An Ordinance amending an ordinance fixing and determining annual salaries, wages and compensation of civilian officers and employees of the Borough of Lodi, and provision for the manner of payments thereof. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Lodi, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey as follows: That the following are schedules of annual salaries, wages, or compensation to be paid to elected officials, professionals, officers and employees of the Borough of Lodi to be paid at the rate and frequency indicated commencing January 1 through December 31.
________________Civil Service or Other Title________________ CY2016
Municipal Manager As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and Bruce T. Masopust January 1, 2016 Through December 31, 2018
Municipal Manager 139,000.00
BOROUGH OF LODI County of Bergen, New Jersey Fiscal Year 2016 Salary Ordinance Ordinance #2016-23
White Collar As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and
The Lodi White Collar Employees Union January 1, 2016 Through December 31, 2017
There shall be no step movement during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter.
All employees shall receive a salary increase as follows:
January 1, 2016: 2% Increase
January 1, 2017: 2% Increase
BOROUGH OF LODI County of Bergen, New Jersey Fiscal Year 2016 Salary Ordinance Ordinance #2016-23 
White Collar Supervisors As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and
The Lodi White Collar Department Heads and Supervisors Employee Association January 1, 2016 Through December 31, 2017
All employees shall receive the following increases:
January 1, 2016-2%
January 1, 2017-2%
Election Worker - Stipend (Per Election) 1,500.00
Election Worker - Stipend (Per Election) 500.00
Registrar of Vital Statistics 7,000.00
Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics 6,000.00
Substitute Registrar of Vital Statistics 2,000.00
Superintendent of Recreation - Overtime Stipend 8,500.00
Superintendent of Public Works - Overtime Stipend 5,000.00
BOROUGH OF LODI County of Bergen, New Jersey Fiscal Year 2016 Salary Ordinance Ordinance # 2016-23
DPW As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and The Lodi Public Works Employee Association United Service Workers Union, IUJAT, Local 1N - Lodi DPW Unit
January 1, 2016 Through December 31, 2017
Public Works Repairer Starting Salary 32,000.00
Step 1 44,505.00
Step 2 46,062.00
Step 3 47.674.00
Step 4 49,072.00
StepS 54,157.00
Step 6 56.342.00
Step 7 57,469.00
Step 8 58,618.00
A one-time amount of $4,000.00 shall be added to the base pay of any Public Works Repairer who is appointed to a Senior Public Works Repairer position as of the date the employee is classified into the higher Title by Civil Service. There shall be no step movement on the Guide during the duration of this contract or at any time thereafter until otherwise agreed to by the parties.
All employees shall receive a 2% increase in their base pay on January 1, 2016 and January 1, 2017.
BOROUGH OF LODI County of Bergen, New Jersey Fiscal Year 2016 Salary Ordinance Ordinance #2016-23
Building & Grounds As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and The Lodi Public Works Employee Association United Service Workers Union, IUJAT, Local 1N- Lodi Building & Grounds Unit
January 1, 2016 Through December 31, 2017
Building Maintenance Gfoundskeeper Starting Salary 32,000.00
Step 1 44,505.00
Step 2 46,062.00
Step 3 47.674.00
Step 4 49,072.00
Step 5 54,157.00
Step 6 56,342.00
Step 7 57,469.00
Step8 58,618.00
A one-time amount of $4,000.00 shall be added to the base pay of any Building Maintenance Groundskeeper who is appointed to a Building Maintenance Worker/Maintenance Worker 2 as of the date the employee is certified into the higher Title by Civil Service. All employees in the step guide shall advance one step on January 1st of each year.
All employees at top step shall receive a 2% increase in their base pay on January 1, 2016 and January 1, 2017.
BOROUGH OF LODI County of Bergen, New Jersey Fiscal Year 2016 Salary Ordinance Ordinance #2016-23
Part-Time Employees Planning Aide 20,000.00
Mayor 8,500.00
Council 6,000.00
Chief Financial Officer 10,612.08
Treasurer 26,530.20
Planning Board Secretary 2,000.00
Zoning Board Secretary 2,000.00
Building Sub-Code Official 19,484.18
Electrical Sub-Code Official 22,065.28
Fire Sub-Code Official 14,811.84
OEM Coordinator 6,500.00
Deputy OEM Coordinator 4,200.00
Per Diem Fire Inspectors (Per Inspection) 30.00
Municipal Court Magistrate 36,000.00
Municipal Prosecutor 15,000.00
Municipal Public Defender 15,000.00
Court Security (Hourly) 20.00
School Security Officers (Hourly) 30.00
Recreation Part Time Employees (Hourly) 12.00 - 20.00
Head Summer Counselor 2,250.00
Senior Summer Counselor 1,650.00
Junior Summer Counselor 1,350.00
Tax Assessor 40,072.28
Streets & Roads Part Time Employees (Hourly) 12.00 - 20.00
BOROUGH OF LODI County of Bergen, New Jersey Fiscal Year 2016 Salary Ordinance Ordinance #2016-23
School Marshalls As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and the Lodi School Marshall Association January 1, 2016 Through December 31, 2017
School Marshalls (Hourly) 20.15
Chief of Police As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and Vincent A. Quatrone January 1, 2016 Through December 31, 2019
Chief of Police 174.091.56
Deputy Chief of Police As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and Donald Scorzetti January 1, 2016 Through December 31, 2016
Deputy Chief of Police 167,091.56
BOROUGH OF LODI County of Bergen, New Jersey Fiscal Year 2016 Salary Ordinance Ordinance #2016-23
PBA As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and The Policemen's Benevolent Association, Local 26 (Lodi Unit) - January 1, 2015 Through December 31, 2017 CY 2016 CY 2017
Basic Police Academy (1st Six Months) 37,059.00 37,059.00
Basic Police Academy (2nd Six Months) 43,599.00 43,599.00
Step 1 51,599.00 51,599.00
Step 2 59,599.00 59,599.00
Step 3 63,959.00 67,599.00
Step 4 75,038.00 71,959.00
Step 5 86,118.00 83,038.00
Step 6 97,197.00 94,118.00
Step 7 108,277.00 105,197.00
Step 8 119,357.00 116,277.00
Step 9 122,169.00 124,669.00
Sergeant 129,169.00 131,669.00
Lieutenant 136,169.00 138,669.00
Captain 143,169.00 145,669.00
This Ordinance shall take effect upon final adoption and publication according to law retroactive/effective January 1 of the respective fiscal year(s). December 26, 2016-fee:$387.75 (470) 4119263

DEFINITELY DIFFERENT FROM LAST YEAR, quite a bit of Borough positions/titles are NOT shown.



Municipal Clerk Borough Clerk 98,495.71
Deputy Borough Clerk 65,545.20

Administrative Assistant (Hourly) 20.00
Election Worker - Stipend (Per Election) 1,500.00
Election Worker - Stipend (Per Election) 500.00
Election Worker - Stipend (Per Election) 100.00

Financial Administration
Chief Financial Officer 10,404.00
Treasurer 26,010.00
Senior Account Clerk 46,818.00
Purchasing Agent 58,262.40
Revenue Administration
Tax Collector 78,535.83
LOSAP Administrator - Stipend 500.00
Keyboarding Clerk 1 57,811.91
Tax Assessment Administration
Assessor 39,286.54
Keyboarding Clerk 1 45,466.52

Thursday, December 22, 2016

more information available to the public


This page does not include contracts for the Borough Manager, Police Chief, Deputy Police Chief, School Superintendent or School Board Business Secretary.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Monday, December 5, 2016

Those wonderful turf fields


added Saturday, December 17th, 2016

A Town that gets to VOTE on the turf, amazing. Lodi taxpayers are never allowed to vote on anything !!!



UPDATE: Added Friday December 09, 2016

The following appeared in local news feeds, additional information on FieldTurf.





Do Taxpayers have recourse?

For many years now Taxpayers have paid millions of dollars, through Lodi taxes & through County & State Funding Grants, (GreenAcres, Open Spaces) to TURF most of the "Sports Playing Fields" here in Lodi.

The Lodi High School field, The Kennedy (Luna Baseball) Park, Memorial Park, Voto-Tedesco Field and the Hilltop School Field.

The following appeared in the news on Sunday, December 4, 2016



The same company installed the turf at the above Lodi Fields.


Who recommended this turf company? Records show that this company is touted by Maser Consulting in an employee's personal twitter pages.

Maser Consulting receives a "No-Bid" professional contract from Lodi every year, and has for many years. Should also point out that Maser is a large contributor to Election Campaigns here in Lodi. (So much for Pay to Play). Maser also sponsors "holes" for the Lodi Boys & Girls Club golf outings.

Lodi.org M/C meeting minutes

Who excepted the "Bids" from this company? Did Lodi research the company, or its "product".

Will MEL/JIF insurance cover the cost of the replacement of an inferior product? Will the usual Borough Attorneys get more money for any litigation? Will taxpayers have to pay for the next round of BONDS for another 20 year period? Who is responsible to repair Kennedy field each time a helicopter lands during Fire Prevention week every year?

Of course, something else to think about…



I do not think grass, sand & dirt was such a bad thing.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Oh well....




Tuesday, November 29, 2016

All bets are in.......

 Are we ready ?????
Yep, almost guessed it...

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Round & Round she goes......

where she stops somebody knows !

and just where would Caruso fit in????

or Lo Iacono ???





Lodi taxpayers have NO say......

 While other towns do!

These recent news articles can highlight just how much the Lodi Governing body cares about what Lodi taxpayers think.




They have taken away your right to decide, Democracy does not exist in Lodi, NJ

Sunday, November 6, 2016

What Lodi needs...

Someone who will work for your Children & not for some Political Fiefdom.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

CAN IT BE ?????

This showed up on the LBOE website today......




Saturday, October 29, 2016

Lodi Taxpayers need a break !!!


In Lodi, the Lodi School Board is where Lodi Friends & Family come to play.

All firmly linked......Friends & Family

Borough of Lodi Mayor & Council
Borough of Lodi Board of Education
Lodi Police Department
Lodi PBA #26
Lodi Housing Authority
Lodi Planning Board
Lodi Zoning Board
Lodi Library
Lodi Drug Alliance (if you can find it)
Lodi Boys & Girls Club
Lodi Cares
Lodi Moose Lodge #1971
Ciofalo Enterprises!

Personal Gain??? NEVER.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Do the Right thing !

WOW, is no one responsible ????

 Post was properly removed from various websites, thankfully Wed. October 26, 2016, Thanks for paying attention!


Do students need this to take exams ?????


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

Children First...SINCE WHEN ?

These people are NOT working for your children, they are working for themselves and the Quatrone/Capizzi Regime.

Nice work with Photoshoping the photos !

Really NOT impressed

What record of achievement is there?..Zero.

Can not challenge a ZERO.



Thursday, October 13, 2016

Good Luck in your Retirement

 37 years of real hard, dedicated work.

Such a wonderful article in the local newspaper about the retirement of Lodi's Borough Clerk,
Debra Mella Cannizzo Ciliento.


Debbie took over the Borough Clerk position after the death of John L. Barrachina in 1997, and we all remember John, right Deb?

God bless & Good luck to you in retirement, enjoy.

Friday, September 23, 2016


Between Professional duties and Personal Endeavors.

When you market yourself all over the place, in every forum imagined, highlighting your "wonderful" accomplishments. Then when people look at you, you claim they are stalking you !

Yep, we are about to spotlight Jamie Edward Ciofalo, AGAIN.

Ciofalo is employed by the Lodi Board of Education and has the title of Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, his salary is now $ 140,922.00. Ciofalo's wife Alicia DeLillo Ciofalo is also employed by the Lodi Board of Education, she is a teacher at Lodi Hilltop School with a salary of about $ 76,503.00.

Lodi Board of Education Meeting Minutes
The Ciofalo's live and own a 2 bedroom condo in Belleville, purchased in 2007 and pay $ 5430.06 in property taxes per year.

The Ciofalo's have two children. These children attend Lodi Hilltop School. (Thats allowed by the Lodi Board of Ed, after all if the Luna-Biondi kids attended Lodi Columbus School, even though they lived in Maywood, the Ciofalo kids can do it too.)

Ciofalo is not only employed by the Board of Education, he is the President of the Lodi Boys & Girls Club, and Vice President of LodiCares.org.


The following are Ciofalo's NJ Department of Education Financial Disclosure Forms from 2014 and 2016

                                                 Not all of his companies are listed here.

missing are

please scroll down and read entries…marketing for his various companies & seeking investors???

Ciofalo's latest endeavors


         Joe Zisa is also a Lodi Teacher at Thomas Jefferson Middle School


Eduardo Duran had a beef with  a computer "coding" company over the ZenDeliver programming.

 http://www.appscrip.com/( this one takes time to load)







Maybe Ciofalo's focus should be on the Lodi Students.....instead of marketing himself & looking for investors for his "fly by night" companies.

to be continued...

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Just to make it easier for you !!





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following proposed ordinance was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Borough Council of the. Borough of Lodi in the County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, held on the 15th day of December 2015, and that said ordinance will be taken up for further consideration for final passage at the meeting room in the Borough Hall, in Lodi, N.J., on the 19th day of January 2015 at 7 p.m., or as soon thereafter as said matter can be reached, at which time and place 'all persons who may be interested therein will be given the opportunity to be heard concerning the same. A copy of this ordinance has been posted on the bulletin board upon which public notices are customarily posted in the Borough Hall of the Borough and a copy is available up to and including the time of such meeting to the members of the general public of the Borough who shall request such copies, at the office of the Borough Clerk in said Borough Hall in Lodi, New Jersey. Debra A. Ciliento, R.M.C. Borough Clerk Borough of Lodi County of Bergen, New Jersey BOROUGH OF LODI County of Bergen, New Jersey Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Salary Ordinance Ordinance #2015-16 An Ordinance amending an ordinance fixing and determining annual salaries, wages and compensation of civilian officers and employees of the Borough of Lodi, and provision for the manner of payments thereof. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Lodi, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey as follows: Section I That the following are schedules of annual salaries, wages, or compensation to be paid to elected officials, professionals, officers and employees of the Borough of Lodi to be paid at the rate and frequency indicated commencing January 1 through December 31. Civil Service or Other Title CY 2015
General Administration Municipal Manager 148,469.00
Keyboarding Clerk 2 53,040.00
Planning Aide 20,000.00
Mayor and Council
Mayor 8,500.00
Council 6,000.00
Municipal Clerk Borough Clerk 98,495.71
Deputy Borough Clerk 65,545.20
Administrative Assistant (Hourly) 20.00
Election Worker - Stipend (Per Election) 1,500.00
Election Worker - Stipend (Per Election) 500.00
Election Worker - Stipend (Per Election) 100.00
Financial Administration
Chief Financial Officer 10,404.00
Treasurer 26,010.00
Senior Account Clerk 46,818.00
Purchasing Agent 58,262.40
Revenue Administration
Tax Collector 78,535.83
LOSAP Administrator - Stipend 500.00
Keyboarding Clerk 1 57,811.91
Tax Assessment Administration
Assessor 39,286.54
Keyboarding Clerk 1 45,466.52
Planning Board Secretary 2,000.00
Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary 2,000.00
Building and Sub-Code Officials
Construction Code Official 87,154.31
Building Sub-Code Official 19,102.14
Electrical Sub-Code Official 21,632.63
Fire Sub-Code Official 14,521.41
Technical Assistant 58,922.01
Keyboarding Clerk 1 54,919.59
Keyboarding Clerk 1 54,919.59
Police Department Chief of Police 170,678.00
Deputy Chief of Police 160,566.00
Keyboarding Clerk 2 54,919.59
Keyboarding Clerk 2 54,919.59
Keyboarding Clerk 2 72,352.54
Parking Enforcement 45,528.94
Parking Enforcement & Code Enforcement 42,000.00
School Security (Hourly) 30.00
School Marshals (Hourly) 19.76
Office of Emergency Management
Coordinator 6,500.00
Deputy Coordinator 4,200.00
Fire Department Fire Official 77,125.89
Fire official - Property Management Stipend 1,000.00
Fire Prevention Specialist 45,528.94 Per Diem
Fire Inspectors (Per Inspection) 30.00
Municipal Prosecutor's Office
Municipal Prosecutor 15,000.00
Public Health Services Public Health Nurse - (Hourly) 35.00
Registrar of Vital Statistics 7,000.00
Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics 6,600.00
Substitute Registrar of Vital Statistics 2,000.00
Recreation Services and Programs
Superintendent of Recreation 88,707.63 Superintendent of Recreation - Overtime Stipend 5,500.00
Part Time Employees (Hourly) 12.00 - 20.00
Head Summer Counselor 2,250.00
Senior Summer Counselor 1,650.00
Junior Summer Counselor 1,350.00
Public Defender Municipal Public Defender 15,000.00
Court Administration Magistrate 36,000.00
Municipal Court Administrator 79,990.11
Municipal Court Administrator - Night Court Stipend 5,000.00
Deputy Municipal Court Administrator 58,740.98
Deputy Municipal Court Administrator - Night Court Stipend 3,500.00
Court Aide 50,000.00
Court Aide - Night Court Stipend 2,500.00
Court Security (Hourly) 20.00
Streets & Road Maintenance
Superintendent of Public Works 112,226.91
Superintendent of Public Works - Overtime Stipend 5,000.00
Assistant Superintendent of Public Works 78,200.63
Records Support Technician 2 64,281.00
Recycling Coordinator - Stipend 5,000.00
Part Time Employees (Hourly) 12.00-20.00 As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and The Lodi Public Works Employee Association United Service Works Union, IUJAT, Local 1N - Lodi DPW Unit January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2015
Starting Salary 32,000.00
Step 1 44,505.00
Step 2 46,062.00
Step 3 47,674.00
Step 4 49,072.00
Step 5 54,157.00
Step 6 56,342.00
Step 7 57,469.00
Step 8 58,618.00 2% Increase thereafter
Buildings & Grounds
HVAC Technician 63,240.00 As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and The Lodi Public Works Employee Association United Service Workers Union, IUJAT, Local 1N - Lodi Building & Grounds Unit January 1, 2014 Through December 31, 2016
Stating Salary 32,000.00
Step 1 44,505.00
Step 2 46,062.00
Step 3 47,674.00
Step 4 49,072.00
Step 5 54,157.00
Step 6 56,342.00
Step 7 57,469.00
Step 8 58,618.00 2% Increase thereafter
PBA As per the Agreement between the Borough of Lodi and The Policemen's Benevolent Association, Local 26 (Lodi Unit) - January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017
CY 2015 CY 2016 CY 2017
Basic Police Academy (1st Six Months) 37,059.00 37,059.00 37,059.00
Basic Police Academy (2nd Six Months) 43,599.00 43,599.00 43,599.00
Step 1 51,599.00- 51,599.00 -51,599.00
Step 2 55,959.00 59,599.00 59,599.00
Step 3 67,038.00 63,959.00 67,599.00
Step 4 78,118.00 75,038.00 71,959.00
Step 5 89,197.00 86,118.00 83,038.00
Step 6 100,277.00 97,197.00 94,118.00
Step 7 111,357.00 108,277.00 105,197.00
Step 8 119,669.00 119,357.00 116,277.00
Step 9 - 122,169.00 124,669.00
Sergeant 126,669.00 129,169.00 131,669.00
Lieutenant 133,669.00 136,169.00 138,669.00
Captain 140,669.00 143,169.00 145,669.00

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Lodi Taxpayers are, once again, about to get a kick.....

in the arse by the Lodi Board of Education.

This appeared in the online news NJ.com today.


Goodness, how could this happen in Lodi. Lodi has some of the best Professional & Highly Qualified Teachers, who are trained by Jamie Edward Ciofalo and crew

The guy hired by Lodi Board of Ed, Jamie Edward Ciofalo, to train all teachers about bulling,(HIPster) and those teachers, in turn, are supposed to teach Lodi Students. Jamie must be a very busy man. So I guess some students might fall through the cracks…even with all of his specialized training.

Didn't the Lodi Board of Ed Superintendent Frank Quatrone, receive a "Large Bonus" for having these proper policies & procedures in place? Isn't the "Bullying Procedure" Resolution read at the beginning of every Lodi Board of Ed meeting?

Not only are the taxpayers of Lodi going have to foot the 7.5 Million Dollar building for 24 Lodi Board of Education employees, we are now going to be hit with this added legal expense.


Saturday, August 20, 2016


Scorzetti, Telep, Miller, on the Lodi School Board, Really? These "three amigos" had a hand in keeping the following information from the public, and now they want to make decisions about your children and their education.

(Note: Telep handled the Megan's Law registrants for the Lodi Police Department)


Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Unless, of course, you have special privilege here in Lodi, NJ.

The following is NOT an attempt to harass, intimidate, certain persons, but to point out just how much information the "Powers That Be" here in Lodi hide, sweep under the carpet and disregard the Laws of this State. ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD.

Back in 2000 a Lodi resident was arrested and charged with sexual assault of a minor, under the age of 16 years old. The Lodi man pleaded guilty to the charge of Child Endangerment and received a sentence of 5 years probation, and "should have been placed" on Megan's List. This man never made it onto the NJ Megan's law list. Why this is, we do not know, but the local police are responsible for entering persons into the system. I do not think the law says, at the "descretion of the Local Police Department."  However, for whatever reason, this man DID make it onto Florida's sexual offender list and is still shown there as of this writing.


His New Jersey arrest can be found here.


Do the circumstances about the arrest matter, maybe not. Could have been a Boyfriend/Girlfriend type thing and the victim's parents pushed for the charges. But, the law is the law.

On June 6, 2002 this man was arrested again & charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender here in Bergen County (around the same time a Paparozzi family member was charged with the same thing, never saw that one on Megan's List either)

Turns out, the man was an Emergency Medical Technician with the LODI VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE & RESCUE CORP. for several years.


The entire Lodi Police Department would have had to have knowledge of this mans arrest, and knew that he was an EMT on the Lodi Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corp. The Lodi Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corp's Board of Directors and Officers also had the same knowledge. Some of the Lodi Police Department officers & detectives are, or were members of the Ambulance corp.

This man also received "Honors" from the Ambulance corp. at the LVARS annual Dinner Dance in 2009.

and participated in LVARS functions

Note: Ashley Ward was a member and a Line Officer with the Lodi Ambulance Corp, and, for a short time, fiancee to Sgt Russell Inserra. Heather Jones is his wife.

As of 2015, Mr. Jones did not have to register with, or appear on NJ's Megan's List. (Not that he ever did).

Several important questions will NEVER be answered…Like,

1.) How many Juveniles, or females did this man treat, evaluate, transport or have contact with while on the Lodi Ambulance Corp.?

2.) Would this have been a liability to the Borough, and ultimately the Taxpayers of Lodi ?

3.) Should we continue to reward the persons responsible for "hiding" this information by electing/ appointing them to the Borough Council and various Borough Boards?

But yet, some of these same persons were so eager to publicly post information on a DUI arrest of a Lodi Teacher back in January 2016…..Yes, the Law is the Law, except for the privileged few.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Unless, of course, you have special privilege here in Lodi, NJ.

 Shhhhhh !!!!!

Lodi Fire Marshall Paul W. Wanco's Criminal Probation period ended Monday, August 08, 2016…..

But here in Lodi, NJ, Criminal Arrest & Conviction of "Special Privileged" Public Employees means nothing....
(the other man pictured above is stepfather in law to ex Police Chief Vincent J. Caruso and a one time Lodi Police Dispatcher)

 For those who do not recall. On March 5, 2013, Wanco's 89 year old mother Florence, fell in her house and Wanco knowingly let her lay there for over 15 hours. Wanco claim's  he wanted to " teach her a lesson."

Florence Wanco died a little over a year later on March 26, 2014.




Wanco was not charged with any Elder Abuse crime, like any other person in the State, but instead was charged with "Bias Intimidation".

 In the State of New Jersey, there is some dispute over the "Bias Intimidation" statute.

Should Wanco have been charged with "Elder Abuse" instead, the Statute does seem to fit better....You decide

 As far as the public knows, Wanco has never been suspended from his job, never lost a days wages, and will collect his pension....
 So even with an Arrest & Conviction record, the Borough of Lodi and the State of New Jersey must feel that Wanco is Okay to "PROTECT THE PUBLIC", even the elderly......

Anyone out there who has lost their Public Employment because of an Arrest & Conviction? 






Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Unless, of course, you have special privilege here in Lodi, NJ.

The following is NOT an attempt to harass, intimidate, certain persons, but to point out just how much information the "Powers That Be" here in Lodi hide, sweep under the carpet and disregard the Laws of this State. ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD.

Back in 2000 a Lodi resident was arrested and charged with sexual assault of a minor, under the age of 16 years old. The Lodi man pleaded guilty to the charge of Child Endangerment and received a sentence of 5 years probation, and "should have been placed" on Megan's List. This man never made it onto the NJ Megan's law list. Why this is, we do not know, but the local police are responsible for entering persons into the system. I do not think the law says, at the "descretion of the Local Police Department."  However, for whatever reason, this man DID make it onto Florida's sexual offender list and is still shown there as of this writing.


His New Jersey arrest can be found here.


Do the circumstances about the arrest matter, maybe not. Could have been a Boyfriend/Girlfriend type thing and the victim's parents pushed for the charges. But, the law is the law.

On June 6, 2002 this man was arrested again & charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender here in Bergen County (around the same time a Paparozzi family member was charged with the same thing, never saw that one on Megan's List either)

Turns out, the man was an Emergency Medical Technician with the LODI VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE & RESCUE CORP. for several years.


The entire Lodi Police Department would have had to have knowledge of this mans arrest, and knew that he was an EMT on the Lodi Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corp. The Lodi Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corp's Board of Directors and Officers also had the same knowledge. Some of the Lodi Police Department officers & detectives are, or were members of the Ambulance corp.

This man also received "Honors" from the Ambulance corp. at the LVARS annual Dinner Dance in 2009.

and participated in LVARS functions

Note: Ashley Ward was a member and a Line Officer with the Lodi Ambulance Corp, and, for a short time, fiancee to Sgt Russell Inserra. Heather Jones is his wife.

As of 2015, Mr. Jones did not have to register with, or appear on NJ's Megan's List. (Not that he ever did).

Several important questions will NEVER be answered…Like,

1.) How many Juveniles, or females did this man treat, evaluate, transport or have contact with while on the Lodi Ambulance Corp.?

2.) Would this have been a liability to the Borough, and ultimately the Taxpayers of Lodi ?

3.) Should we continue to reward the persons responsible for "hiding" this information by electing/ appointing them to the Borough Council and various Borough Boards?

But yet, some of these same persons were so eager to publicly post information on a DUI arrest of a Lodi Teacher back in January 2016…..Yes, the Law is the Law, except for the privileged few.